Reprieve: zero dB

zero dB was an initiative, set up by human rights charity Reprieve, to highlight the use of music torture.

The very first thing I created for them was the name 'zero dB'.

Documentary film

To clearly explain the story of music torture we decided to create a documentary film. This was a huge project for me to organise and involved carrying out detailed research, structuring the narrative of the film and interviewing Tony Benn, Robert Del Naja (Massive Attack), Philippe Sands QC (Professor of Law at UCL), Dr William Hopkins (consultant psychiatrist at the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture), Moazzam Begg (former prisoner at Guantanamo Bay), Ruhal Ahmed (former prisoner at Guantanamo Bay) and Christopher Arendt (former guard at Guantanamo Bay).

Large amounts of responsibility and autonomy were given on this project. Due to having no prior experience of working with documentary film this proved to be an exhilarating, yet challenging, piece of work to be involved in that, on numerous occasions, required unexpected problems to be solved as we went along.


A handout was needed to be given out at the 2009 Brit Awards to prominent members of the music industry.

I figured that due to the subject (music torture) the most appropriate medium for this was a CD sleeve. The front carried our logo, while the back showed a playlist of vastly contrasting songs, every single one used by the US in the form of music torture. Instead of a CD inside, we included further information and featured prominent supporters of our campaign to grab attention.

A similar handout was given to MPs.


Reprieve: T-shirts


fish4: Press ads